Title Ujedinjeni narodi s posebnim osvrtom na Vijeće sigurnosti
Author Nikola Dragun
Mentor Vesna Barić-Punda (mentor)
Committee member Petar Bačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Barić-Punda (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Đuzel (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Law Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Ujedinjeni narodi (UN) su međunarodna organizacija osnovana s ciljem očuvanja svjetskog mira i sigurnosti, rješavanja ekonomskih, društvenih i političkih problema međunarodnom suradnjom, te promicanja poštivanja ljudskih prava.
UN su osnovani u listopadu 1945. godine od strane pobjedničkih sila u nadi da će spriječiti buduće sukobe i ratove među narodima, nakon ratifikacije Povelje od strane 51 države sudionice konferencije u San Franciscu gdje se održavao osnivački sastanak. Povelja
... More Ujedinjenih naroda međunarodni je ugovor ustavnoga karaktera kojim su osnovani i na temelju kojega djeluju Ujedinjeni narodi. Kroz povijest su se države znale povezivati no ti su razlozi gotovo najčešće bili interesne prirode. Postojale su preteče Ujedinjenih naroda koje su imale slične ciljeve, no neslavno bi propadale. Jedna od takvih je Liga naroda koja je izravna preteča Ujedinjenih naroda, te su se svi neuspjesi i zamjerke Ligi naroda nastojale ispraviti u Ujedinjenim narodima. Ujedinjeni narodi imaju pet glavnih organa, Opća skupština, Vijeće sigurnosti, Ekonomsko i socijalno vijeće, Starateljsko vijeće, Tajništvo i Međunarodni sud pravde. Uz njih ima i niz specijaliziranih organa i tijela koja se bave različitim područjima te su smještene diljem svijeta
Vijeće sigurnosti se sastoji od 15 članica, pet stalnih i deset nestalnih. Vijeće sigurnosti je organizirano na taj način da se može sastati u svakom trenutku. Vijeće sigurnosti je zaduženo za očuvanje mira i sigurnosti te primjenjuje niz sankcija. Najčešće su sankcije usmjerene na terorizam, aktivnosti širenja nuklearnog oružja, kršenja ljudskih prava, pripojenje stranih teritorija, namjernu destabilizaciju suverene zemlje. Sankcije koje se primjenjuju su diplomatske i vojne sankcije, embargo na oružje, ograničavanje ulaska osoba uvrštenih u popis prilikom putovanja, zamrzavanje imovine te gospodarske sankcije. Less
Abstract (english) The United Nations is an international organization that was founded to preserve world peace and security, solve economic, social and political problems through international cooperation and promote respect for human rights. The United Nations was founded after World War II by the victorious powers in the hope of preventing future conflicts and wars between nations. They were founded in 1945 in October after the ratification of the Charter by 51 participating states in San Francisco,
... More where the founding meeting was held. The Charter of the United Nations is an international treaty of a constitutional character that established and is based on which the United Nations operates. Throughout history, states knew how to connect, but these reasons were almost always self-interested. There were forerunners of the United Nations that had similar goals, but would fail ingloriously. One of these is the League of Nations, which is the direct predecessor of the United Nations, and every mistake and complaint of the League of Nations was tried to be corrected in the United Nations. The United Nations has five main organs, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the Secretariat, and the International Court of Justice. Along with them, there are also a number of specialized organs and bodies that deal with different areas and are located all over the world
The Security Council consists of 15 members, five permanent and ten non-permanent. The Security Council is organized in such a way that it must be able to meet at any time. The Security Council is in charge of preserving peace and security and applies a number of sanctions. The most common sanctions are aimed at terrorism, nuclear weapons proliferation activities, human rights violations, annexation of foreign territories, deliberate destabilization of a sovereign country. The sanctions that are applied are diplomatic and military sanctions, arms embargoes, restrictions on the entry of persons included in the list when traveling, freezing of assets and economic sanctions. Less
Ujedinjeni narodi
Opća skupština
Vijeće sigurnosti
Liga naroda
ljudska prava
Keywords (english)
United Nations
General Assembly
Security Council
League of Nations
human rights
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:170:119677
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-12-21 17:27:32