Abstract | Plod ljudskog intelekta pripada njezinom stvaratelju koji svoju kreativnu ili umjetniĉku realizaciju neke ideje predstavlja kao njegovo intelektualno vlasništvo. Intelektualno vlasništvo zapravo je pravo autora tj. on nema pravo nego objekt kojeg je njegov intelekt proizveo. Na samom poĉetku rada definirat ćemo sam pojam intelektualnog vlasništva i njegove oblike. Autorsko pravo, dizajn, patenti, ţigovi su oblici intelektualnog vlasništva. Zbog neovlaštene uporabe odreĊenog predmeta ujedno i povrede prava intelektualnog vlasništva moguće je podići tuţbu .
Kako bi zaštita intelektualnog vlasništva u Republici Hrvatskoj bila funkcionalna potrebno je donijeti uĉinkovitu zakonsku regulativu te uspostaviti meĊunarodnu zaštitu. Kroz rad detaljno ćemo se osvrnuti na hrvatsku zakonsku regulativu koja obuhvaća zakone i podzakonske akte, konvencije, meĊunarodne ugovore, direktive i meĊunarodna ĉlanstva te institucionalni okvir koji omogućuje uĉinkovitu zaštitu. |
Abstract (english) | The product of human intellect belongs to its creator, who presents their creative or artistic realization of an idea as their intellectual property. Intellectual property is essentially the right that an author has over their work, meaning that the author does not possess a right but rather the object that their intellect has produced. At the beginning of this work, we will define the connection between intellectual property and its forms. The forms of intellectual property can include copyright, design, patents, trademarks, and others. Due to unauthorized use of a specific item, which also constitutes a violation of intellectual property rights, it is possible to file a lawsuit.
To ensure that the protection of intellectual property in the Republic of Croatia is functional, it is necessary to enact effective legal regulations and establish international protection. Throughout this paper, we will thoroughly examine Croatian legal regulations, including laws and subordinate acts, conventions, international agreements, directives, and international memberships, as well as the institutional framework that enables effective protection. |